Monday, December 28, 2009

We are in the throws of post-Christmas recovery around here--playing with new Playmobil sets and Legos and reading our way through Roald Dahl books. It's lovely. The girl is sick, or is recovering, as is apparently half of my extended family. Seems like we all shared something with each other on Christmas Eve. It's been lazy days for us- sleeping in til (I'm too embarrassed to say), lounging in our jammies. It's ben good, but as always, difficult for me to just stay home and not have some Exciting Activity to dash off to. Or some major project underway. In fact, ironically, my generally crafty and creative motivation has just gone out the window. I have been staring at these rooms just dreaming of all the things I want to change and clean and organize. And then I go surf through a bunch of female porn (in the form of craft/home decor blogs) and feel sorry for myself because of all that I'm NOT accomplishing. I need to get off my duff, and I realy should consider cutting back on all those sweets (note to self- get the caramels wrapped and delivered already!). Perhaps I will go mail some prints to a friend in California who just ordered some. That will make me feel productive. And a little richer.